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Dublin Pubs - A Walk Down Memory Lane - The Dropping Well, Milltown

Dublin Pubs - A Walk Down Memory Lane - The Dropping Well, Milltown

It has been a while since I visited The Dropping Well after a stroll along the River Dodder - another pub with tales to tell. It owes it's origins to the Great Famine of 1845 - 1849 when the starving people of Dublin were living and sadly dying along the banks of the River Dodder. A Mr John Howe and his wife applied for a liquor license and offered to set up a community morgue on the banks of the river. The license was granted and it opened in 1847. It has changed hands many times since and thankfully it is now a happier place to be, the morgue has long since closed but the bar is well and truly open for trade. At another stage in it's life, it was home to a boxing ring ! In 1908, the proprietor, PH Meagher, a former boxer erected it in the middle of the pub, maybe to knock some manners into his customers. Who knows .. but that is long gone too.

It was also partly responsible for the introduction of the Holy Hour, when a local political noticed that the best part of the local mill's wages were ending up in the till. The mandatory closing of pubs from 2.30 to 3.30 was introduced and remained in force for 61 years. Some of you may remember that it was a bit of a feather in your hat if you managed to stay in a pub during the Holy Hour !

Now when I go there I just wonder at the mystery of the life size bronze African rhino that appeared overnight on a plinth in the middle of the River Dodder beside the Dropping Well. One thing for sure, he'll never go thirsty !!

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